
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Setting up Ragnarok Private Server

Basically, you don't really need to be an IT or CS or whatever computer literate course in able for you to have your own Ragnarok Private Server.
All you need to have are
☺Common sense
☺Good Understanding
☺and most important -> Personal Computer/Laptop

well, if you think you have that, let's start.

I've been handling my own Ragnarok Online Private Server for more than a year and I want to share this to you guys. so keep on reading.

♦ Setup eAthena Server(Offline)  ♦
1. For now, we will be using my configured server files.
This is a 3rd Job Class Modification rev. 682 (as far as I remember, it was released last October 29, 2012 by eAthena).
Download HERE!

2. Extract server.rar anywhere in your computer hard disk except in desktop.
Since this server file was already configured,
we are done in this part.

3. Let's proceed in installing MySql Database for our server.
Download MySql Essential for Windows Xp, Windows 7, Windows 8.
mysql-essential-5.0.88 for 32bit
mysql-essential-5.0.88 for 64bit

4. Install mysql-essential-5.0.88
> Click Next
> Choose Typical and click Next
> Click Install
> Choose Skip-Sign Up
> When It's finished, just click Finish and don't uncheck the Configure the MySQL Server now.
> Now, you can either choose Detailed Configuration or Standard Configuration, which is up to you but if you are unsure, just choose Standard Configuration and click Next.
> In Service Name:, pick MySQL5 and click Next.
> Just enter the password you wish for root and it's important to remember cause we need it later. Click Next.
> Just click the Execute and when done, just click Finish. Go to Task Manager and check if mysqld-nt.exe is running in processes although it's not necessary if no error occured during installation..

5. Install MySQL GUI Tools 5.0-r17. We only need MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser but just install everything.
Download MySql GUI TOOLS 5.0-r17

6. Start MySQL Administrator and it will prompt up a window. Fill in Host Name, Username and Password and leave other field as it is but to make sure everything is correct, it should look like this:

Stored Connection: (just leave it empty)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (enter the password we created before for root)
Port: 3306

7. Click OK and you should be in MySQL Administrator now.Go to User Administration and Click New User and enter this:

MySQL User: ragnarok
Password: ragnarok
Confirm Password: ragnarok

When you are done, then just click Apply changes and exit MySQL Administrator.

8. Start MySQL Query Browser and it will prompt up a window that look like MySQL Administrator except there is a new field call Default Scheme. It should look like this:

Stored Connection: (just leave it empty)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (enter the password we created before for root)
Default Schema: ragnarok
Port: 3306

> When you are in MySQL Query Browser, click once on ragnarok database that is below Schemata.
> Go to menu, click File and choose Open Script...
> We need to execute main..sql and logs.sql, so look for the main.sql, which should be in sql-files folder in our server folder and other .sql files.
> Pick main.sql and click Open and Execute.
> When you are done, we need to create log database by right-click somewhere within the table where the databases are and choose Create New Schema and type in log and click OK.
> Double-click on log database, go to menu, click File, choose Open Script..., open logs.sql and Execute.
> Double click ragnarok database to expand to see all tables.
> Look for login table and double click and double click again. (or simply TRIPLE CLICK)
> Click once on Edit so, we can edit the cells. This icon should be in bottom.
> Change userid and user_pass located in the table. Default values of those are s1 and p1.

change into
userid: myserver
user_pass: pwserver

> Create your own GM account in the next row.

account_id: 20000000
userid: admin
user_pass: admin
sex: M or F
level: 99

> When you are done editing, just click the Apply Changes that is next to the Edit icon.

NOTE: userid: and user_pass: must be same in login table, char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf.
(char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf are located in server\conf\)

> In menu, click Tools and choose MySQL Administrator.
> Go to User Administration and click ragnarok user.
> Now, go to Schema Privileges and Click once on ragnarok database/schema and 
Click this button << and then click Apply changes. Do the same with log database/schema.

11. Open server folder and double click the runserver-sql.bat 
( or right-click "Run as Administrator" if you are using win7 OS )

You should see a result like this.


♦ Download Client Side  ♦

1. You must have kRO Client or any updated full client of Ragnarok Online that was basically installed in  C:\Program Files\Gravity
If you do not have yet. download the 10-01-2012 kRO Client Folder HERE!
Make sure to download at least 2012 KRO Client or LESS than that to be able to work with 2011-11-22aRagexeRE.exe.patched.exe

2. Download my Client Folder I made for you.
Link HERE!

3. Extract Client Folder.rar in your desktop, copy the files inside of it and paste it in your kRO directory or Ragnarok Online directory. (eg. C:\Program Files\Gravity )

4. You may now login your account that we created a while ago using the client
UPDATE Download Latest 2011-11-22aRagexeRE.exe.patched.exe Client.

NOTE: The runserver-sql.bat must running before you login.
Comment below if you have question/suggestion or anything under the sun.

I would also like to post soon
♥ How to Setup Ragnarok Online Control Panel using FluxCP.
How to Setup Simple Client Patchet using Thor Patcher.

~ SB